qualified art educator. courses for groups, communities, and institutions. get in touch to tailor a course for your group.

drawing from life
An accessible and contemporary approach to life drawing.
breaking down elements of life drawing into simple lines and shapes to build upon.
Approach space and perspective with new eyes and use colour to enhance your artwork.
'drawing from life' aims to remove socio-cultural barriers in life drawing participation.
duration 8 weeks
abstract charcoal
communicate how you see and feel the world through expressive abstract drawing with charcoal - the oldest art medium in the world.
you will be encouraged to question how we can interpret subject matter and why.
you will simplify and deconstruct subject into form.
learn to impart emotion into drawing and produce personal expressive artwork that communicates.
developing and abstracting ideas through sketchbook work.
duration 8 weeks


raw charcoal
on this course you will learn the basic techniques of charcoal mark making, study tone, blending, shadow and light.
you will use varied paper and media tones draw expressively and at a quick pace.
inspired by the work of charcoal artists you will produce personal responses in charcoal to weekly tasks.
duration 8 weeks
visual arts
explore approaches and techniques of contemporary visual arts practice across a range of media including drawing, mixed media, life drawing, sculpture and painting.
you will produce a portfolio of work to be proud of and be guided through the elements needed to build on your talents and achieve real progress with your art.
you will be supported in exploring social, cultural and artistic ideas to expand your practice, taking inspiration from artists and art theory. working within a group and independently towards your own goals and creative experimentation.
duration 36 weeks
currently running with Cambridge Community Arts